Be Proactive & Prevent Problems Before They Begin

over 8 years ago
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Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

805 posts

We spend an awful lot of time creating problems, instead of learning how to solve problems. Many people stare at the problem, blame, drag others through the mud, judge them, be little them, criticize, and point fingers. This adds to the problem and sabotages their success.

Negativity produces negative results. Negative words, negative actions, negative reactions only hold back people from reaching their full potential.

Life happens to us all and obstacles will always be a huge factor in life because people want to be a know it all, while they still haven’t developed themselves emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically.

If we think we’ve arrived, we still haven’t arrived because it’s a life long journey with a million different lessons to self-master.

I didn’t say master others. We want to control others and master their lives when we can’t master our own lives.

First we have to take our eyes off the other person and stop claiming their the problem. We are all part of the problem when we don’t lead by example, manage and regulate our emotions, feelings, and thoughts. If we can’t self-discipline ourselves, how do we expect someone else to discipline themselves. People need you to be the strong one, the one that is brave enough to step up to the plate and show them how it is done. Be the leader instead of the follower.

We don’t solve problems by sitting on the side lines and never taking action to make the family unit better, the environment a more peaceful place to live, and by choosing love.

Take the initiative to take the first step to be the first one to be a path cutter in your relationships and family.

How do you solve problems? You take the time to stimulate your mind with activities. Cross word puzzles, mind games, algebra, calculus, and other activities that work your muscles to solve every day problems.

I’m learning dutch at the moment, and it makes me aware of differences in language, how we communicate, symbols, images, and word meanings.

I remember taking algebra and hated it, but I see how it got my mind in the right condition to be a problem solver in every day life when it came to obstacles in relationships and finances.

I hated doing research papers, but it taught me how to seek answers instead of leaving it to someone else to tell me how the world works, relationships, and finances. When you leave it to others to always give you the right answers, you can guarantee most of the time they can be wrong, if you never question things, there is always a 50/50 chance they’re wrong about the littlest things.

Usually we listen to other people, believe what they tell us, and than wonder why our lives don’t turn out the way we want them too. I remember when I was younger being told bad advice and later finding out the hard way our friends and family aren’t always the best people to get advice from in certain families.

If you stimulate your mind, you open it up to understanding, seeing things from a different perspective, and learning something new.

If you never stimulate your mind, it’s just like they say, “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” Watching television doesn’t stimulate your mind enough. Social media and hanging out with negative people doesn’t stimulate your mind.

We are more capable of things in life than we actually believe. When you learn to problem solve, you’re quick to take action, instead of waiting for yourself to be filled with chaos & confusion, and in the middle of the storm and not know what to do.

When you prepare yourself for the storm, when the storm arrives, it is much easier to navigate through the wind, rain, and splashing waves. You’ll know how to swim instead of sink.

When you sink you expect someone to come help you. Instead help yourself, so you swim in the tides, balance on the waves, and even surf.

It’s much more fun than waiting for the storm to hit and not have any idea how to get out of the situation. It’s 10 times easier if you know how to regulate your thoughts, emotions, and feelings and it will be a lot less painful.